Great share! Really like this type of content, makes the old mind get to work:)

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Simon, thanks to your sql-lite wasm prototype. I was able to improve on your design by adding a csv import and create a new table and query it. More here - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/rajagopalsukumar_tmt3-secretsofgenaidigitaldisruptors-activity-7256620752043483136-RcZ7?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios

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Shame you have to have a LinkedIn account to see your work...

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Sorry didn’t know that is an issue. Here’s the link to my app - https://ai-apps.magiqspark.com/sql_lite_csv/

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Claude defaults to react for me but then often gets stuck so I say “use jQuery” — curious if “(no react)” defaults to vanilla js or a framework when saying that, or if it’s sort of random. I’ll give that a try.

I’ve also been using Claude to make some games too, my typing game teaches letters and sight words and has been working really well and is addictive enough to be specially requested :D


Always enjoy these, thanks for sharing!

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So are you a fan of html + css instead of react, in general? Or just for artifacts?

And how do you port artifacts projects, do you just copy_paste the generated html and css into a project you create?


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